Supplier And Distributor
Plant micronutrients help play and important role in balanced crop nutrition. Lack of micronutrients can limit the growth of your crops and affect your yield. Keep your crop healthy with these essential plant micronutrients
Chelated Micronutrients
Chelated trace elements help you achieve your production goals by providing the optimum nutrient availability. The chelating process, with the assistance of chemical EDTA, forms a protective ring around the nutrient, which protects it from being tied up in the soil or by other nutrients. These nutrients can be applied with starter fertilizer or foliar fertilizer.
Chelated Micronutrients
We use only the highest quality EDTA micronutrients in our program:
3% Calcium (Ca): Calcium is needed in the plant to promote early root formation and growth. It improves general plant vigor and sturdiness of the stalk. Calcium deficiencies can result in wrinkled or crinkled leaves, and in some cases the young leaves may fail to unfurl. The roots may be short and tightly bunched.
7.5% Copper (Cu): Copper is needed to activate several plant enzymes that are essential for building and converting amino acid to proteins. Copper deficiency symptoms occur most on new plant growth where the plant takes on a bleached appearance and may die.
4.5% Iron (Fe): Iron functions as a catalyst in several processes within the plant. It plays a vital role in the formation of chlorophyll, functions in the respiratory enzymes, and serves to transfer energy in the plant. Iron deficiencies first exhibit in the young leaves as interveinal chlorosis, which will spread over the entire leaf and turn it white. Eventually the new growth will stop, and the leaves will die.
Chelated Micronutrients
2.5% Magnesium (Mg): Magnesium helps regulate the uptake of other nutrients in the plant and acts as a carrier of phosphorus. Deficiencies usually occur in sandy soils or in soils with a high pH. It will cause corn plants to develop a light yellow or white appearance between the parallel lines.
6% Manganese (Mn): Manganese is essential for chlorophyll development. It also serves as a catalyst in several enzyme systems in the oxidation reduction process. Manganese deficiencies are similar to iron deficiencies and appear on the younger leaves of the plant first. Symptoms vary but include a pale color between the veins of the broadleaf plant. This is the number one micronutrient added to soybeans.
9% Zinc (Zn): Zinc is necessary for starch formation, proper root development, and seed formation and maturity. Zinc deficiencies include interveinal chlorosis on older leaves with a characteristic shortening of the internodal area. The plant is left with a short, compressed, rosetted appearance. Zinc is the most necessary micronutrient for corn.